Air Fryer
Tortilla Strips
Air Fryer
Tortilla Strips
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You'll just need:
corn tortillas
You'll just need:
corn tortillas
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Preheat the air fryer. Then cut the tortillas into thin strips.
Preheat the air fryer. Then cut the tortillas into thin strips.
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Toss the strips with the oil and salt.
Toss the strips with the oil and salt.
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Transfer the strips to the air fryer and cook for 6 minutes.
Transfer the strips to the air fryer and cook for 6 minutes.
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Let cool and then serve right away!
Let cool and then serve right away!
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Add them to soups, stews, salads, and more!
Add them to soups, stews, salads, and more!
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Or enjoy as a crunchy snack!
Or enjoy as a crunchy snack!
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Air Fryer Veg for more easy and healthy air fryer recipes!
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