Air Fryer
Frozen Tater Tots
Air Fryer
Frozen Tater Tots
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You'll just need frozen tater tots!
You'll just need frozen tater tots!
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No need to preheat! Just set the temperature to 400F and cook for 12 to 15 minutes!
No need to preheat! Just set the temperature to 400F and cook for 12 to 15 minutes!
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Stop to shake the basket about halfway. Make sure none of the tots are sticking together!
Stop to shake the basket about halfway. Make sure none of the tots are sticking together!
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Serve up this nostalgic lunchroom classic with your favorite dipping sauce.
Serve up this nostalgic lunchroom classic with your favorite dipping sauce.
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So crispy and delicious!
So crispy and delicious!
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